20 May 2005

Kumpulan kalimat yang indah

"I was deeply engrossed in thought and contemplation and seeking to understand the meaning of nature and the revelation of books and scriptures when I heard LOVE whispered into my ears through your lips. My life was a coma, empty like taht throne of Adam's in Paradise, when I saw you standing before me like a column of light. You were the Eve of my heart who filled it with secrets and wonders and made me understand the meaning of life."

Ah tiba-tiba saja teringat ini di kepala. Kahlil Gibran sekali ya? Kumpulan kalimat yang indah.

*koreksi dari rony*

2 Komentar:

Komentar Anonymous Anonymous pada tanggal 23/5/05 11:59:

..., empty like taht of Adam's in Paradise,...

ups.. kebiasaan buruk :p salam

Komentar Blogger Awan Kusuma pada tanggal 23/5/05 17:57:


salam juga :D


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