30 November 2005

Pekan Imunisasi Nasional III

Hari ini secara serentak berlangsung PIN III. Yuk ajak segera para balita kita mengunjungi Pos PIN terdekat.

Sampai jumpa lagi di PIN berikutnya di tahun 2006. Semoga target pemerintah agar Indonesia bebas polio bisa terwujud dalam waktu secepat-cepatnya. Amiinn...

2 Komentar:

Komentar Anonymous Anonymous pada tanggal 30/11/05 10:43:

Iya nih 'wan...
Tadi aja pacar gw ikutan koneng-koneng (bajunya).. dia jadi volunteer PIN III mewakili Rotary Club. :)

Komentar Blogger BlockchainHelp pada tanggal 21/12/18 13:14:

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Are you encountering errors while withdrawing and depositing the funds in Blockchain? Are you looking for the easiest steps to fix it? If you want to fix this error in short-time, you should straight away get in touch with the experts and get the easiest methods and solutions. You can approach the experts by dialing a Blockchain phone number 1-888-764-0492. and get your query fixed in the most hassle-free manner. The experts are always at your service to deliver seamless services to their valuable customers. Visit our website-: https://www.cryptophonesupport.com/wallet/Blockchain/
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